Coding Pirates (EN)

Coding Pirates seeks to produce a strong community through workshops, events and courses where children, adolescents and volunteers meet. In this place, they can cooperate with and inspire each other through an interest of technology in a network of different local groups.




Coding Pirates 

Target group:

Children and adolescents in the age 7-17 who wish to strengthen their IT-skills and creativity.


The purpose of Coding Pirates is to strengthen children and adolescents’ productive and creative IT-abilities. Coding Pirates aims, through this practice, to develop young people’s technological audacity by focusing on technological imagination, ingenuity and creative power. This comes to be through the spreading of technological places of play and learning for children, adolescents and volunteers across different ages, genders, cultures and skills.


The Coding Pirates-association was founded by the two students Martin Exner and Christian Hjort Lund who started their first group in the Danish IT-University in february 2014 after a successful pilot-project in november 2013. Since then, the association has experienced a surge in memberships and currently has local groups all across Denmark.


Coding Pirates seeks to produce a strong community through workshops, events and courses where children, adolescents and volunteers meet. In this place, they can cooperate with and inspire each other through an interest of technology in a network of different local groups. This has roots in a general interest in experimental coding- and construction-processes, where these people can work with technology in a creative manner. These events can be both nationally held rooted in the single municipal groups, or they can be held separately and locally.

Group-evenings are held in severals places in Denmark. Here, children and volunteers typically meet once a week for 2 hours. The children work and develop their project and are assisted by the adult volunteers when it starts to get difficult. Usually, there are several activities, and workshops held on the groups-evenings are divided by age and experience.


Coding Pirates is an NPO. As the central nerve of the organisation, there are a motley crew of volunteer IT-professionals, teachers, programmers, researchers and entrepreneurs. What they all have in common is that they all see a need for an offer to children and adolescents who wish to strengthen their IT-skills and creativity.


It has been our experience that a lot of the participating youth has very much enjoyed Coding Pirates. It has not been possible to provide a systematic feedback from the youth, but the great success that Coding Pirates has enjoyed across the country indicates that the concept has struck it’s mark and addresses a great need from the Danish youth and their parents regarding a place, where it is possible to play with coding and programming.


This initiative has not yet been evaluated. The evaluation is ongoing and is expected finished in 2020.


Coding Pirates can contribute to boys and girls getting better at technology, developing a stronger understanding of it and making them more creative in regards of IT.

Additional information (Website for Coding Pirates)