Digital workshops for participation in district planning (EN)

Young people should be involved in all issues affecting them. However, planning processes in urban districts in particular are often not very attractive for young people. Here the digital workshops offer youth work new approaches for participation in planning processes in the district.



Munich, Germany


JFF – Institute for Media Research and Media Education

Target group

Young people aged 14 and older from the district, who may be particularly interested in computer games


Young people should be involved in all issues affecting them. However, planning processes in urban districts in particular are often not very attractive for young people. Here the digital workshops offer youth work new approaches for participation in planning processes in the district. Digital media are tools for exploring and expressing one’s own demands on the design of the district, and at the same time offer a playful approach to the topic.


The digital workshops build on previous concepts, in which film in particular was used to offer young people a medium to express their demands. The digital workshops use computer games (Minecraft) as well as digital audio processing.


The digital workshops can be carried out in different formats. They are organised according to occasion in the districts in which planning processes are currently underway. The workshops last 2 to 5 days. It is important that the results are incorporated into the planning process at a public event.


The projects should take place in the vicinity of the area for which planning is underway. Technical requirements are computers, Internet access, workstations, pinboard and access to Minecraft (Education Edition) and/or digital audio recording and editing equipment.


Feedback from both participants and external bodies was extremely positive. The digital workshops have already received several awards as an innovative form of youth participation.


All digital workshops will have a final evaluation by the participants. Several digital workshops (in particular at Plan Nord/Ost) were also accompanied scientifically.


The concept offers attractive opportunities for young people to get involved in urban planning processes in a way that is appropriate for young people. In addition, participants learn new ways of using digital media.

Additional information

Plan Nord/Ost

Room for all! With Minecraft Giesing